January 2004
4. Rejection Process
a. If a bill is determined to be invalid, the CPU will
start the stepper motor in the reverse direction
and reject the bill. After the bill is rejected the
validator will go into idle mode.
b. If the bill is unable to clear the channel, the vali-
dator will enter the channel clearing routine. This
routine jogs the bill and will be repeated up to five
times or until the bill has cleared the channel.
c. After the fifth attempt, the CPU enters an inhib-
ited state and will only return to idle state after
the bill has been removed.
During the validation process the microprocessor
makes decisions about the validity of the bill present.
These decisions may be influenced by the programmed
security level. The level will, generally, have no effect
on the acceptance of bills in good condition, but may
reduce the acceptance by highly circulated bills.
Technical Information
1. Ensure the unit has not been dented or bent,
check for "squareness", and all mounting surfaces
are free from damage.
2. Check that there are no broken or loose compo-
nents. (Gently shaking the unit will disclose any
internal damage.)
3. Check all cables for cuts, breaks or other damage.
4. Open stacker door and check the pressure plate
for damage and proper position.
Protocol V2.2
The Argus Bill Acceptor and the Atronic machine
comunicate via the V2.2 protocol. The Argus Bill Ac-
ceptor uses the software information supplied by the
Atronic machine to determine how the validator is to
be set.