Remote Interface
ATM3500A supports three remote interfaces: the built-in USB
(USBTMC), optional GPIB (IEEE-488) and RS-232. With GPIB/RS-232,
you will need a GPIB/RS-232 interface card. This chapter lists the SCPI
(Standard Commands for Programmable Instrument) commands
available to control the multimeter. For the first time to use SCPI,
you’d better to refer to Appendix B. for SCPI reference.
Note: The application software designed by
ATTEN.EU Corp., such as PT-TOOL and PT-LINK so far doesn’t support
communication through the RS-232 interface. You can use Windows
Software “Hyper Terminal” or others for the application purpose. For
more information about the RS-232 settings and configuration, you
should read further.
How to set the DMM through the RS-232
If you want to apply this interface, you’d better know the configuration
including setting the front-panel’s baud rate, parity, and number of
data bit. Configure the RS-232 interface pressing
MENU>INTERFACE>RS-232 on the ATM3500A and using the
parameters shown below.
Baud Rate: 300, 600, 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600 (Default), 19200,
38400, 57600, 115200 baud
Parity & Data Bits: None / 8 data bits (Default)
Even / 7 data bits, or
Odd / 7 data bits
Number of Start Bits: 1 bit (fixed)
Number of Stop Bits: 2 bits (fixed)