multimeter device test"
stat = viClose(fList)
Exit Sub
End If
Rem send measure command -- Set to 0.1 volt dc range
stat = viWrite(sesn, "meas:volt:DC? 0.1,0.01", 22, ret)
If (stat < VI_SUCCESS) Then
MsgBox "System command error. (meas:volt:dc? ...)", vbExclamation,
"M3500 multimeter device test"
stat = viClose(fList)
Exit Sub
End If
Rem fetch the measure data
stat = viRead(sesn, readin, 64, ret)
If (stat < VI_SUCCESS) Then
MsgBox "Read in data error.", vbExclamation, "M3500 multimeter device
stat = viClose(fList)
Exit Sub
End If
Debug.Print "Rdg = "; readin
Rem set to local mode
stat = viWrite(sesn, "system:local", 12, ret)
If (stat < VI_SUCCESS) Then
MsgBox "System command error. (system:local)", vbExclamation, "M3500
multimeter device test"
stat = viClose(fList)
Exit Sub
End If
stat = viClose(sesn)
stat = viClose(fList)
stat = viClose(dfltRM)