the buttons are shown with red rectangle frames in
Figure 4-13
Figure 4-13
Remote Interface Operation
You can also use the remote interface operations from your PC
terminal to set the trigger delay. To select a delay time, use the
following command or set the trigger delay to be automatic:
TRIGger:DELay {<seconds>|MINimum|MAXimum}
4.3 Math Operations
This section will introduce the mathematical operations in ATM3500A.
There are eight math operations: RITIO, %, Min/Max, NULL, Limits,
MX+B, dB and dBm testing. They either store data for later use or
perform mathematical operations on the readings. Note that these
math operations are available to all measurement functions except
continuity and diode testing.
Note: The “MATH” anunnciator on the display indicates the state of
a mathematical feature, excluding Ratio, and will be lit by enabling
whichever math feature. Also, press the same buttons again for the
enabled math feature will disable the same math feature.
Note: Press RATIO button, the “RATIO” anunnciator will be lit on the