Main[Sub, Xtra] Mute: When the value of either Main Mute, Sub Mute or Xtra Mute is adjusted in the negative range -1
to -100, the maximum level of mute is activated when the hand is released from the striking surface, whereas the mute is
released when the hand is placed in contact with the striking surface. The more you increase the negative value across its
range (higher absolute value), the longer the decay sound of the selected timbre layer (Main Dcay, Sub Dcay, Xtra Dcay) –
thereby giving a higher sensitivity to the mute release.
Negative values of mute [Main, Sub, Xtra]:
When the value is in the range -1 to -50, the typical mute effect is reversed. When pressing the surface the mute is off,
and when pressure is released the mute is on and affects the sound at the level set. A different mute action has been
implemented for negative values in the range -51 to -100. In this case, when pressing the surface the mute is off, but
when pressure is released the mute stays off. In effect this is a constant mute. This produces a different effect, similar
to a slap effect, which gives a natural acoustic response and feeling when playing fast patterns.These programmable
differences in mute action can be useful for different musical situations and styles of playing.
Note that when the value of Main Mute, Sub Mute, and Xtra Mute is negative, the level of mute sensitivity does not
affect the general pressure parameters Mute Dcay and Mute Mask.
When the value of XtraD.Tap is set to a negative value, it is possible to generate a complicated envelope. For more
information, refer to the previous section on the multi-tap delay parameters for the Xtra timbre layer (p.10) as well as
the diagrams representing the EXTRA Timbre Envelope Generator algorithms (p.13).
Instrument and effect parameters