TV Connector
The TV Connector is an optional accessory pur-
chased separately that allows a direct and simple
connection between any audio source (TV, stereo,
laptop, etc.) to Wave hearing aids within 50ft / 15m
The TV Connector automatically connects to all
Wave hearing aids within range. For more
information go to
The TV Connector is the best way to listen to TV on
your hearing aids. It accepts audio signals via either
a 3.5mm audio cable or a digital optical TOSLINK
and is powered via USB
If your TV can connect to
Bluetooth headphones di-
rectly, a TV Connector may
not be required. However,
the TV connector is still
recommended as the con-
nection is more reliable,
causes less battery drain
than Bluetooth, and works
on all TVs. Additionally, a TV
Connector can connect to
multiple sets of Waves
Airplane mode
The wireless and Bluetooth functions of your
hearing aid can be temporarily disabled in
airplane mode
. This will not disable normal
hearing aid functionality
To enter airplane mode:
Open the battery door
Press and hold the
button on the
hearing aid while closing the battery door, and
keep the button pressed for 7 seconds
To exit airplane mode:
Open the battery door to turn
the hearing
aid. Wireless functionality will resume when
turned back on