Positioning the PS-5
The PS-5 has two power outputs and can power one or two Audio Alchemy components, including the DDP-1 digital
preamp/DAC and the DMP-1 media player.
You can place the PS-5 next to the DDP-1 (as shown above) or the DMP-1. The products are designed to fit together. If you
don’t have enough space on your shelf or in your equipment rack, you can place the PS-5 on another shelf or on a solid
flooring surface such as wood, tile, stone or linoleum.
Connecting the PS-5
STEP 1: Turn off your power amplifier.
STEP 2: Disconnect the stock wall wart-style power supply from the DDP-1 or DMP-1. Do not attempt to use the PS-
5 and the stock power supply simultaneously.
STEP 3: Connect the supplied power cable between the PS-5 and the DDP-1 or DMP-1 as shown above (red
arrows). Either of the PS-5’s two outputs can be used.
STEP 4: Connect the supplied AC cord (or the aftermarket AC cord of your
choice) to the PS-5’s AC Mains connector (blue arrow).
STEP 5: Press the power button on the front of the PS-5 (shown at left, green
arrow). The indicator light around the button will glow white. You may now
power up your DDP-1 and/or DMP-1, then turn your power amplifier back on.
STEP 6: From this point forward, we recommend leaving the PS-5 on all the
time, and using only the Power buttons on the DDP-1 and/or DMP-1. If you
do turn the PS-5 off, it will go through a brief power-down cycle and cannot
be turned back on for 30 seconds. If you do try to turn it on before the power-
down cycle is completed, the front LED will flash indicating the PS-5 is not
ready to be powered back up.
For more information about the PS-5 and other Audio Alchemy products, please visit