CHAPTER 6 Performance Monitoring
Mediant 800 SBC | SNMP Reference Guide
Performance Monitoring
Performance measurements (performance monitoring) are available for third- party
performance monitoring systems through an SNMP interface. These can be polled at
scheduled intervals by an external poller or utility in the management server or other off-
board systems.
The device provides performance measurements in the form of two types:
Gauges represent the current state of activities on the device. Gauges, unlike
counters, can decrease in value and like counters, can increase. The value of a gauge is the
current value or a snapshot of the current activity on the device at that moment.
Counters always increase in value and are cumulative. Counters, unlike gauges,
never decrease in value unless the server is reset, which causes the counters to reset to
zero (0).
The device's performance measurements are provided by the following proprietary MIBs that
are located under the acPerformance subtree, iso (1).org (3).dod (6).internet (1).private
Media-related (voice) monitoring such as RTP and DSP. The MIB includes the
following parameters:
Number of active DSP channels
Channels used for each coder
Discarded packets in robust RTP filter
Media Networking subtree - an array of packet behavior parameters such as delay,
jitter, transmitted/received and lost RTP bytes and packets.
Media Networking Aggregated subtree - displays similar data only for the entire device
and includes TDM-IP and IP-IP calls.
Channel Utilization subtree - parameters regarding channel use by fax, modem, TDM-
IP calls, RTP, SRTP, multicast source and modem relay
Streaming Cache subtree - hit count, miss count and server request count
Control protocol-related (SIP) monitoring such as connections, commands.
CP Connection subtree – parameters include connection lifetime/state, counters for
commands, retransmissions, active contexts, command success/failure and process
time, transaction processing time and call attempts
SIP subtree
Analog channels off-hook state (one table only).
PSTN-related monitoring such as channel use and trunk utilization. All
statistics in this MIB are per trunk:
Number of active channels
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