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Order service
Additional outside sensors can be ordered by fax +49(0)6198-5770-99 or online at www.inter-quartz.de. The price for
one sensor is 5.00 € excluding VAT and despatch.
Name: Inter-Quartz GmbH
Street: Valterweg 27A
Town: DE-65817 Eppstein
Country: GERMANY
Email: support@inter-quartz.de
Telephone: +49 (0)6198 571825
00800 5515 6616
00800 5515 6616
00800 5515 6616
00800 5515 6616
00800 5515 6616
0800 563862
800 142 315
00800 5515 6616
00800 5515 6616
00800 5515 6616
00800 5515 6616
IAN 289081
Art.-Nr.: 4-LD4868
Please note that the following address is not a service address.
Please first contact the service address (see above).
Name: digi-tech gmbh
Street: Valterweg 27A
Town: DE-65817 Eppstein
Country: GERMANY