A: Extensive research and development was done by our German manufacturers to create a reliable long
wave infrared sensor.
Q: Is the unit able to detect people of different heights (e.g. children, adults 3' to 6.5')?
A: There's a visible sensor and a camera that will show your face on the LCD screen. Within the effective
scanning range, the sensor should pick up the face, though in extreme cases the tablet might need to be
Q: What scanning range does TAURI cover?
A: Please consider the following table, which was created in consideration of an individual being 3 feet away
from the thermal camera. All measurements for height were taken directly from the height of the camera (not
another part of the tablet). The actual vertical scan distances are 6 inches longer or more, but these
measurements account for fitting an entire 10" head inside the field of view. The optical range increases by a
directional tilt.
Q: Is Plexiglass okay in front of the tablet?
A: Plexiglass alters the temperature of the reading. Please avoid reflective surfaces in TAURI’s field of vision.
Q: Can the sensor be affixed to a door, away from the tablet that collects data?
A: The sensor must be connected to the tablet at this time.