Rear Panel Features
(ACM120 shown. The ACM60 has identical rear panel features)
230V/240V Slide Switch
The operating voltage of the amplifier is user selectable between 230V and 240V via a slide switch located on the top left
side of the rear panel. This switch should be set to match the AC voltage of your country.
AC Power Inlet
The 3 pin IEC power inlet is located on the bottom left of the rear panel and accepts a standard mains power lead fitted
with an IEC connector. Before plugging in a power lead, please check the rear panel of the amplifier to ensure that the
voltage switch is set correctly for your part of the world.
The operating voltage is 230/240 VAC @ 50 Hz or 115 VAC @ 60 Hz with factory modification. The inlet is equipped with
an inbuilt AC fuse holder fitted with a 4 amp fuse (ACM120) or a 2 amp fuse (ACM60) plus a spare within the holder.
Power consumption is 125 watts for the ACM60 and 250 watts the ACM120.
---- Please ensure that the mains power cord is disconnected before attempting to check or replace this fuse----
Speaker Output Terminal Strip
The screw terminals on the left hand side of the strip allow access to the direct speaker outputs of the amplifier. The
screw terminals on the right hand side are for activation of the in-built 4 tone generator. Reading from left to right the
terminals are:
Low Impedance Common (use with 4 or 8 ohms)
4 Ohms (not available on ACM60)
8 Ohms
Constant Voltage Common (use with 70v or 100v)
70 Volt Line
100 Volt Line
All Call Button
When pressed, the All Call button will connect the 100 volt output of the amplifier to all 6 of the switched outputs (if
connected). Depressing this button again will disconnect the switched outputs. This switch is “push on-push off” and
is non-interlocking.
Speaker (Zone) Selector Switches
These 6 black buttons are for switching the 100 volt output of the amplifier to any combination of the 6 available speaker
zones. The switches are “push on-push off” and are non-interlocking (both with each other and with the all-call button).
The maximum capacity of each speaker zone is 60 watts so care should be taken to ensure that no individual zone is
loaded down with any more than 60 watts, always remembering that the total load for the ACM60 is 60 watts and for the
ACM120, 120 watts in total. Eg; It is possible on the ACM120, for example, to safely have one zone loaded with 60 watts
and the remaining five loaded with 12 watts each.
Power Switch
This switch controls the switching of AC power to the amplifier. Rocking this switch upwards turns on AC power to the
amplifier while rocking the switch downwards turns power off to the amplifier. A blue LED above the switch will indicate
whether the amplifier is switched on or off.