background image

Setting  Up Your Tach

Here we’ll set up your tach. Most of these steps will only need to be done once, 
but can be changed at any time. Use the Up ( ) and Down Arrows ( ), scroll 
through the menu options and press the Enter ( ) Button to enter that setting. 
Cancel (X) will always back up one step without saving changes.



Pulse Per Revolution – Engine Cylinder Calibration)

This is the menu you use to tell the tach how many ignition pulses it sees for 
each revolution of the crank. On most engines, this number will be 1⁄2 the number 
of cylinders the engine has because only half of the cylinders are fired on each 
revolution of the crank. For example, a typical V8 engine will be set to 4.0 PPR. To 
set your    


, go to the Set 


mode and press Enter ( ). Using the Up 

( ) and Down ( ) Arrows you can adjust your 


setting between .5 and 6 

pulses per revolution. Once you’ve found the setting you need, press the Enter 
Button ( ) to save that setting.You can also press Cancel (

X) to back out of the 

menu without making a change. If the 


settings are programmed incorrectly, 

the tach will still function but will display the incorrect RPM.

            -(Set Shift Points)

This sets the rpm levels for the four stage shift light. Press Enter ( ). The display 
will show          . Press the Up ( ) and Down ( ) Arrows to change the selected 
shift point. Press Enter ( ) to review or change the rpm of the selected shift point. 
Press Up the ( ) and Down ( ) Arrows to change the rpm of the selected shift 
point. Press Enter ( ) to save the new setting, or press Cancel (

X) to exit without 

changing the setting. Press the Up ( ) and Down ( ) Arrows to change to the 
next shift point or press Cancel (

X) to exit Set Shift Points.


         - (

Set Backlighting Mode): 

Press Enter ( ) to see what the current mode is, 







makes the backlight intensity proportional to the voltage on the white wire. This 
should be connected to dash lighting. Selecting 


   sets the backlight intensity 

to a constant level. Press the Up ( ) or Down ( ) Arrows to change the mode. 
Press Enter ( ) when desired mode is displayed. If 


   is selected, the display 

will show a backlighting level of 0-10, 0 is off, 10 is maximum brightness. Press 
the Up ( ) or Down ( ) Arrows to change the fixed level. Press ( ) to save the 
new level or press (

X) to exit without changing the level.

Differential Case





Figure 6

Check For 



Moving Through The Menus

The Ultimate III's functions are broken up in a series of menus. Navigating these 
menus is accomplished using the four push buttons on the right side of the tach. 
The buttons functions are:

Differential Case





Figure 5

.200” +/- .030”








 -  (RPM Threshold)

The Ultimate III uses your engine RPM to know when to start recording your run. 
When your engine reaches a certain RPM, the tach knows you’re about to launch 
and starts recording. The 


  setting is where you configure this. Press the 

Enter ( ) button to display the threshold RPM. Move the RPM to the desired RPM 
by using the Up ( ) and Down ( )Arrows. Once you’ve reached the desired 
RPM to start your recording, press Enter ( ) to save the setting. You can also 
press Cancel (

X) to back out without making a change. 
