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Key Features

Best-in-Class Sculpting Toolset
Sculpt, design, and detail any organic or hard-surface 
model and achieve smooth, accurate, and refined results: 
•  Select from an extensive range of intelligently    
  designed default brushes that replicate real-world  
  sculpting paradigms: Sculpt, Smooth, Grab, Pinch,  
  Flatten, Foamy, Spray, Repeat, Imprint, Wax,  


  Scrape, Fill, Knife, Smear, Bulge, Contrast, and Freeze. 
•  Create custom brushes with user-defined falloff curves  
  and image stamps for an infinite range of effects.
•  Sculpt both sides of topologically symmetrical    
  models simultaneously—even when they are in an  
  asymmetrical pose—with the powerful tangent    
  space mirroring functionality.
•  Use stencils to quickly add detail, and curves to    
  precisely control brush movement. Brush textures  
  directly into your mesh in 3D, and add high-quality  
  detail by displacing your mesh with images.
•  Model using reference images, with multiple  


  cameras each with its own image plane. 
•  Accelerate design, sculpting, and approval phases with  
  powerful new tools for deforming and posing models.
•  Sculpt complex forms immediately using vector    
  displacement maps as stamps and stencils.

High-Quality 3D Paint
Paint multiple layers for multiple texture channels 
on multiple high-resolution objects:
•  Apply paint directly onto high-resolution 3D models  
  and see the results immediately.
•  Apply detail precisely where required, regardless  
  of UV distortion or surface complexity. Paint in    
  true 3D space, in UV space in the 3D view, or with  
  screen-space projection.
•  Paint Diffuse, Specular, Gloss, Emissive, Bump,    
  Normal, and Reflection maps directly on your model. 
•  Select from Paint, Erase, Clone, and Dry brushes,  
  and customize their shape with image stamps and  
  adjustable falloff curves.
•  Selectively edit and manipulate existing paint and  
  photo-based layers with new image adjustment    
  brushes: Blur, Dodge, Burn, Contrast, Sponge,    
  Hue, Hue Shift, and Invert.

•  Selectively paint reference images onto the model  
  from a particular viewpoint.
•  Control how paint layers composite together to    
  create a final image by selecting from one of the   
  new blend modes: Multiply, Screen, Add, or Overlay.

Flexible Layering System
Explore creative options and iterate freely to create, 
compare, store, and blend multiple versions of your 
paint and sculpting work using the flexible, 
nondestructive layering system:
•  Selectively edit, erase, and blend layers  


  nondestructively, using paintable layer masks.
•  Duplicate, merge, flatten, and reorder layers.
•  Blend layers using interactive multiplier sliders    
  and layer masks.
•  Mirror or flip the detail stored in one or more layers.

Images courtesy of Kenichi Nishida.

Images courtesy of Kenichi Nishida.
