Production-Ready Texture Baking
Create high-quality, accurate Normal, Displacement,
Vector Displacement, and Ambient Occlusion maps:
• Extract maps using a new Vector Displacement
method to represent displacements that do not
simply follow the normal.
• Transfer data from highly-detailed sculpted surfaces
or laser scans into the form required by film and
game pipelines. Map data between multiple arbitrary
objects with differing topologies.
• Detail can be baked into 8-, 16-, and 32-bit maps.
• Generate smooth, high-quality maps using
extraction options that address issues related to
poly faceting by extracting between the limit
surfaces of the given meshes.
• Bake normal maps that are compatible with
and Autodesk
3ds Max
• Create ambient occlusion maps for extremely
high-resolution models: bake the soft shadows
and details of a model out to an image which can
be re-used without expensive recalculations.
• For customized pipelines, developers can write
their own baking function within Mudbox.
On-Target Working Environment
Work in a high-fidelity display environment that
closely resembles the final rendered output to help
you identify problems early and create presentations
with maximum impact:
• Interactively paint and view multiple material
channels (such as bump and reflection) in real time.
• Paint directly onto sculpted detail.
• Immediately see how your model will look with
render-quality results directly in the viewport -
accurate 3D shadows, ambient occlusion, and a choice
of light types, including HDR image-based lighting.
• Use true 3D cameras to view your model as it will
be seen by the audience, and optionally import
production cameras from Maya or 3ds Max.
• Import skeletons from Maya or 3ds Max to validate
and test your design.
• Customize the display to match a target platform
with CG shaders and viewport filters.
• Preview and edit your normal maps directly on
your model in the 3D View.
Image courtesy of Mashru Mishu.
Intuitive User Interface
Become productive in hours, rather than weeks,
with the easy-to-learn Mudbox user interface:
• Enjoy a toolset designed for artists by artists,
inspired by real-world tools.
• Feel at ease from day one with familiar workflows,
terminology, and hotkeys.
• Accelerate your workflow through Hover Pick
functionality, hotkeys, and other tools.
• Easily switch between sculpting and painting tools
to develop shape and texture in tandem.
Image courtesy of Mashru Mishu.