Automatic Systems
p. 44/51
In Fig. 19, the user inserts her ticket before passing the first cells: the passage is allowed.
Important warning
As a general rule, detecting a presence (pushchair, luggage,…) in the PNG without previous authorisation
automatically sets the PNG to fraud alarm status. The buzzer is activated after 15 seconds. However, since
these objects can be between the obstacles without being detected by the cells, the obstacles can close
against them. Consequently, it is strongly recommended to prohibit the access to pushchairs, waggons, etc.
as well as to animals.
After inserting a valid ticket, the user introduces a pushchair in the walkway. If the pushchair is detected
by the cells, the PNG is set to “tailgating” fraud alarm status and just after the passage of the
pushchair, the doors close. But if the pushchair is not detected by the cells, the doors could close
against it.
The user inserts her ticket before passing the first cells: the passage is authorised. If the animal does
not pass at the same level as the user and if it is detected by the cells, the “tailgating” fraud is set on
and the doors close before or behind the user according to the passage order; on the other hand, if the
animal is not detected and if the person passes too late, the doors may close against the animal.