The information in this document is the property of Automatic Systems and is confidential. The consignee withholds from using it for anything other than the use of the products or the execution of the
project to which they belong and withholds from communicating it to third parties without prior written agreement from Automatic Systems. Document subject to change without prior notice.
Following the instructions presented in the implementation drawing:
1. Conduit installation for the passage of cables and remote control devices should be planned in
advance. Remember that the cable ends must extend 3m [10ft] above ground level, as electrical
connections are done in the upper section of the full-height turnstile.
2. Dig a hole in the ground for the installation of the concrete slab.
3. Using the hardware provided, assemble the various parts of the fixing frame.
4. Verify the interaxial spacing between the different crossbars of the fixing frame.
5. Place the fixing frame in the hole you have just dug:
- Ensuring that you follow the direction of passage.
- Making sure that you run the conduits for the cables and remote control devices through the
uprights to be installed.
- Verifying that the fixing brackets are buried in the ground as indicated in the implementation
drawing (the painted part of the brackets must be left unburied).
6. Pour standard concrete in the hole, making sure to smooth it out.
7. Leave to dry for about one week.