Ital E-Bike user manual - Edition 01 - 2020
General summary of
The United States Code of Federal Regulations
The CFR 16 part 1512 defines a bicycle as:
(1) A two wheeled vehicle having a rear drive wheel that is solely human powered
(2) A two or three wheeled vehicle with fully operable pedals and an electric motor
of less than 750 watts (1) hp, whose maximum speed on a paved level surface, when
powered solely by such a motor while ridden by an operator who weighs 170
pounds, is less thn 20 mph.
Disabling or adjusting the speed limiter of your Ital E-Bike could violate State and
Federal laws that govern public roads, highways and other public lands.
Ital E-Bike speed limit
Ital E-Bike
has a device fitted to limit the maximum
It ensures that the maximum assisted speed (eco-standard-high
is kept below
20 mph
as per the
United States code of federal regulations
. The user can exceed this
limit but there will be NO electric assistance from your
Ital E-Bike
The Ital E-Bike is considered a class 1 ebike
Class 1: Ebikes that are pedal assist only, with no throttle, and have a maximum
assisted speed of 20 mph.
Most states treat class 1 E-bikes like a traditional mountain or pavement bicycle,
legally allowed to ride where bicycles are permitted, including bike lanes, roads,
multiuse trails and bike only paths. It is the riders responsibility to make sure they are
compliant with all state and local codes when riding their ItalE-Bike.