a Passenger type to an Operator type and vice/versa. Contact the
factory for instructions on how to do this. .
FOB Dipswitch # 4
FOB Dipswitch #4 has four (4), two position sliders that control the
channelization of the FOB. For the AUTOTETHER
system to work
properly, each FOB and the Host must be set to the same channel.
There is an identical four (4) position Dipswitch in the Host unit
Host and the FOBs channels are pre-set at the factory. In the rare
occasion that two AUTOTETHER
with the same frequency are
operating in close proximity to each other, radio interference can occur
and the units will operate erratically.
This malfunction can be corrected by simply separating the two systems
so that their signals do not interfere with each other. As an alternative,
the system channel can be changed using Dipswitch #4.
Each FOB and the Host must be set to the same channel for the
system to operate.
Using an A#1 Phillips screwdriver, remove the back covers of each
FOB and the Host