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I/R remote controller
If there are more than one digital video/audio recorders to be controlled by the I/R
remote controller, please set the DVR ID on the front panel. One I/R remote
controller can control up to 4 sets of DVRs (with ID 1-4 individually).
Call monitor
Connect the call monitor output connector to a surveillance TV monitor. This
monitor displays the full screen images of the cameras associated with the
events (alarm or motion) or the images from the installed cameras sequentially
according to the SEQ Display Setup (Section 6.4) for call monitor.
PTZ Cameras
Connect the RS-232 connector or the RS-422/485 connector to PTZ camera(s)
via the appropriate cable. The system supports a variety of different PTZ
cameras, including Auviss ASD Series Speed Dome, Pelco D protocol Dome,
SamSung SCC-641P, Kalatel Cyber Dome, etc. But different PTZ cameras can
coexist in a system only if they support the same protocol. Please make sure to
set the PTZ ID of the camera(s), and setup the camera (Section 6.1), and
RS-232 or RS-422/485 (Section 6.9) accordingly. Please also make sure to set
the RS-422/RS-485 Selector Switch if you are using the RS-422/485 port.