to 90% of the girth surface. Consequently any error, eventually present, is averaged among the
cogs, moreover soft, greatly reducing the tracking error.
No wearing effects since no relevant frictions occur. In fact, all the pulleys and the axes rotate
on roller bearings, 13 for the RA axis and 13 for the DEC axis that allow to reduce the total
friction almost to zero.
Another significant advantage of very low frictions is that the risks of motor slipping during
GOTO operation is virtually null. On the contrary, it is well known the difficulty to regulate the
coupling between gear and worm in the conventional mounts. If the coupling is tight the motors
can stuck with consequent loss of the position, if the coupling is too loose the plays increase. On
the other hands, the absence of significant play in the M-uno makes the initial calibration of
guiding CCD quick and easy.
Since there are no gears, there is no need of periodical lubrication of the internal components
and therefore the maintenance is extremely reduced and limited to the external cleaning.
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