With the left control lever the front boom of the backhoe and the slewing are controlled. The right lever
controls the main boom and the bucket of the backhoe.
Digging with the backhoe is the most efficient when the edge of the bucket is kept at an angle that allows the
edge to cut the soil the most effectively. Pull the edge of the bucket towards the loader with the left lever and
tilt the bucket by operating the right control lever at the same time. The bucket should not be pressed too
hard downwards, since this would result in lifting the front tires of the loader, and digging becomes
Beware of the caving in hazard in the excavation or near it. Do not drive near the edge
of the hole or allow children to play near it.
At the first use the movements of the backhoe may be imprecise as there might be air trapped in the
hydraulic components. The hydraulic system will bleed itself, when moving all the movements to their
extreme positions one by one.
Adjusting the speed of the backhoe movements
The speed of the backhoe movements can be adjusted with the flow divider valve, the adjusting screw of
which is visible at the left side of the control valve cover. When learning to use the backhoe the actual
working speed can actually be greater due to increased accuracy, even if the movements of the backhoe are
Note that adjusting the speed of the movements affects only the speed, not the force of
the backhoe.
The speed of backhoe movements can be adjusted as follows:
1. Shut down the loader and release the residual pressure as
described in section 5.2.
2. Open the cap of the adjusting screw with a 14 mm spanner
3. Loosen the locking screw of the adjusting screw with a 14 mm
4. Turn the adjusting screw with an Allen key desired direction.
5. When a suitable setting has been made, tighten the locking
screw and fit the cap.
Changing the bucket
The bucket of the backhoe 170 is mounted with two pivot pins. Change the bucket when the backhoe is
mounted to the loader and use the service support described in section 7.1. Place the bucket near the
ground. Remove the cotter pins and support the bucket while removing it. Use a soft hammer or a block of
wood to soften the hits, so that the pins will not get damaged. Do not hit directly at the pins. In most cases it
is easier to remove the front pin first. When mounting the new bucket remember to lock the cotter pins in