Mounting the backhoe to the loader
Mounting the backhoe to the loader must be done carefully. The backhoe may tip over on the loader or the
operator, if it has not been properly attached. To prevent hazardous situations, always follow the attachment
mounting instructions provided in the following pages. Also remember the safety instructions in Section 3.
The attachment is mounted to the loader boom by using the quick attach plate and the counterpart on the
attachment. In addition to this, a locking bracket must be also installed. The backhoe is mounted to the
loader as follows:
Never move or raise an attachment that has not been locked.
Step 1:
Lift the quick attach plate locking pin / locking pins up and turn them backwards
into the slot so that they are locked in the upper position.
Ensure that the hydraulic hoses are not in the way during installation.
Step 2:
Turn the quick attach plate hydraulically to an obliquely forward position.
Drive the loader onto the attachment. If your loader is equipped with a
telescopic boom, you can utilise this.
Step 3:
Lift the boom slightly – pull the boom control lever backward to raise the
attachment off the ground.
Turn the boom control lever left to turn the bottom section of the quick attach
plate onto the attachment.
Lock the locking pins manually – do not use the automatic returning of the
locking pins.
Do not use the automatic locking of locking pins with the backhoe. The centre of
gravity of the backhoe is at relatively high, which creates a risk of the backhoe tipping
over. Lower the attachment on the ground and secure the locking manually.
Before moving or lifting the attachment, ensure that the
locking pins are in the lower position and come through the
fasteners on both sides.