Calculator, Stopwatch, and Alarms
Use the Alarm feature to configure alarms.
This section describes the following tasks:
“Nonrecurrent alarms” (page 150)
“Recurrent alarms” (page 153)
Nonrecurrent alarms
Use the procedures in this section to manage nonrecurrent alarms:
“Creating an alarm” (page 151)
“Editing an alarm” (page 152)
“Turning off an alarm” (page 153)
You must charge your handset before you configure the
handset time and date. Each time you remove the
battery pack or switch the handset off it loses the time
and date information; you must manually reset it after
you reinstall the battery pack or switch the handset off
and on.
If your system provides the date and time information to
DECT handsets, the date and time settings update
automatically when you switch on the handset. Contact
your system administrator to determine if you can use
this feature.
If you configure your handset to use Silent charging, any
Alarms you configure cannot provide an audible alert
while the handset is on the charger.