The Memory-Dialing Feature
You may store any combination of numeric entries, including a pause
or flash, a *, and a #, in Tone mode. Use the following procedures.
To store a number on any of the 10 memory-dialing buttons
Note: Two separate telephone numbers can be stored on each
memory-dialing button, one on the upper half of the button (numbered
01 through 10) and one telephone number on the lower half of the
button (numbered 11 through 20).
Lift the handset or press the SPEAKERPHONE button.
When you press the SPEAKERPHONE button, the light
next to the button goes on.
Press the PROGRAM button.
Dial the telephone number you want to store.
Note: You can use the PAUSE button to program a
3.6-second pause between a dialing access number
(usually “9”) and the telephone number and for certain
banking and long-distance services.
Press the memory-dialing button on which the number is to
be stored. Press the button once to store the number on the
upper half of the button. Press the button twice to store the
number on the lower half of the button.
Hang up the handset or press the SPEAKERPHONE
The light next to the SPEAKERPHONE button goes off.
Note: Be sure to write the stored telephone numbers in the
appropriate space on the button designation card on the front of
the telephone.