WebRTC client side TURN configuration
Use these sections to enable client side TURN for WebRTC browsers outside your enterprise
firewall. Clients are loaded from your browser and no installation is required on your computer.
To enable client side TURN, you need to open TCP port 443 on the external firewall. Server side
TURN uses a range of UDP ports and consumes less Avaya SBCE resources than client side
TURN. However, if a WebRTC browser is behind a firewall that blocks UDP traffic, you might
experience issues with WebRTC calls if using server side TURN.
Avaya recommends using client side TURN instead of sever side TURN whenever possible.
Related links
External client access configuration checklist
Checklist for WebRTC client side TURN configuration
Perform the tasks outlined in this checklist to configure external client access.
Verify prerequisites.
Create a TLS server profile that is
used if media tunneling requires
better readability through firewalls.
TLS server profile checklist for client side
on page 125.
Configure firewall rules.
Configure a TURN/STUN profile for
WebRTC calls on Avaya SBCE.
Configuring a TURN/STUN profile for
WebRTC calls on Avaya Session Border
Controller for Enterprise
on page 126.
Configure the TURN relay service
for WebRTC calls on Avaya SBCE.
Configuring the TURN relay service for
WebRTC calls on Avaya Session Border
Controller for Enterprise
on page 127.
Configure a STUN server on the
Avaya Aura
Web Gateway.
TURN/STUN service configuration on the
on page 128.
Enable TURN usage in a WebRTC
Enabling TURN usage in a WebRTC
on page 128.
Before configuring WebRTC client side TURN settings, do the following:
• Add Avaya SBCE to the Avaya Aura
Web Gateway. For more information, see
Avaya Session Border Controller for Enterprise to the Avaya Aura Web Gateway
page 122.
• Configure one B1 interface IP address on the Avaya SBCE.
Additional internal A1 interfaces are not required. Use the same A1 interface IP that you used
for load monitoring. For more information, see
Configuring Avaya SBCE load monitoring
page 121.
Avaya Session Border Controller for Enterprise configuration
October 2018
Deploying the Avaya Aura
Web Gateway