System layer commands
command line alias facilitates the use and discovery of system layer commands. Typing
this command without arguments provides syntax help, and a list of supported system layer
commands. The following is an example:
[admin@server-dev ~]$ sys
Execute system layer commands.
-h, --help
Command syntax (this help)
-hh, --hhelp
Verbose help
Available commands:
secconfig [Manage security settings]
versions [Query version information]
volmgt [Manage disk volume sizes]
smcvemgt [Manage Spectre/Meltdown patches]
Command invocation syntax:
sys <command> <arguments>
Command syntax
sys <command> -h
[admin@server-dev ~]$
Verbose help information
is used for verbose help information, which provides a brief description of each available
system layer command. The following is an example:
[admin@server-dev ~]$ sys -hh
The "sys" command line alias facilitates access to the following commands
related to the system layer of UCApp appliances. To obtain help with
each of these commands, use the "-h" (or "--help") argument for help
with command line syntax, and "-hh" (or "--hhelp") for verbose help.
Manages security-related settings.
Queries the version information of various elements of the system
Queries the sizes of existing disk volumes and extends their sizes.
Manages the enablement status of Linux kernel patches for the
Spectre and Meltdown vulnerabilities.
[admin@server-dev ~]$
Any arguments provided after the name of the system layer command are passed through to that
System layer commands
October 2018
Deploying the Avaya Aura
Web Gateway