Upgrading an Existing S8300A to R2.2
312 Installation and Upgrades for Avaya G700 Media Gateway and Avaya S8300 Media Server
View Process Status screen
3. Make sure everything except ENV, arbiter, and dupmgr shows UP. Communication
Manger should show 65/65 UP or, if IA770 is installed, 67/67 UP.
The number of processes (67/67) may vary depending on the configuration. For a normal
state, the second number should not be greater than the first number. For example, the
numbers 66/67 UP would indicate that a process did not come up and should be
investigated before proceeding.
4. Using a telephone, make test calls to verify that call processing is working.
5. Run an IA770 sanity test:
a. Type
b. All states should be
with an associated phone number.
c. Retrieve the test message saved before the upgrade.