H.323 Telephone Installation
Page 10
15-601046 Issue 17e (Wednesday, November 14, 2012)
IP Office
1.3 Phone Firmware
The firmware used by Avaya IP phones is upgradeable and different releases of firmware are made available via the
Avaya support website. However, H.323 IP phones used on a IP Office system must only use the firmware supplied pre-
installed with the IP Office system or with its IP Office Manager application. Other versions of IP Phone firmware may not
have been tested specifically with IP Office systems and so should not be used unless IP Office support is specifically
mentioned in the firmware's accompanying documentation.
The firmware consists of a number of different types of files:
xxupgrade Files
The first file that a phone requests when starting up is the xxupgrade file. This file contains a list of the phone .
bin files that are available as part of the firmware set and the version numbers of those files. If the version of a
file differs from that which the phone already has loaded, the phone will request the new file. During this process
the phone may reboot after loading each file and then request the xxupgrade.txt file again until it has updated all
its firmware, if necessary. Separate files are provided for the different phone series:
This file lists the firmware files that 1600 Series phones should load.
This file lists the firmware files that 4600 Series and 5600 Series phones should load.
This file lists the firmware files that 9600 Series phones should load.
This file list the firmware files that 9608, 9611, 9621, and 9641 phones should load.
.bin Files
Following the instructions in the xxupgrade.txt file, the phone will load any .bin files it requires if their versions
differ from that which the phone already has loaded.
.tar Files
Instead of the .bin file used by other phones, the 9600 Series phones use .tar archive files to download multiple
files in a single step and then unpack the .tar files to load their contents.
46xxsettings.txt File
The last line of the xxupgrade.txt file instructs the phone to load a 46xxsettings.txt file. This is an
editable file
which can be used to adjust the operation of the phones.
.lng Files
The firmware may include language files for use by 1600 Series and 9600 Series phones. Which of these language
files are loaded is set in the 46xxsettings.txt file.
File Auto-Generation
When the IP Office system is acting as the file server for the phones, it is able to auto-generate the 46xxsettings.txt
and .lng files used by the phones. It will do this if the requested file is not physically present in the location where the
system is storing the firmware files.
Firmware Source Sets
The phone firmware files are installed as part of the IP Office Manager application and are found in the application's
installation directory. By default, the directory is found at c:\Program Files\Avaya\IP Office\Manager.
The same firmware files can also be obtained directly from the software package used to install IP Office Manager without
having to perform the installation. The files are located in the \program files\Avaya\IP Office\Manager sub-folder of
the installation directory.
Note that these sets of files include .bin files that are also used for other devices including the IP Office system itself.