9600 Series SIP IP Telephone Installation
24 9600 Series SIP IP Telephones Release 2.0 Installation and Maintenance Guide
11. When connected, the telephone looks for an upgrade script file.
12. The HTTP server sends and identifies an upgrade script, gets the settings file, the language
file, and any firmware updates.
The GET message might have to be sent several times. Each time the GET message is
sent, the URI for the current HTTP request displays.
13. When the telephone determines that the application file received is valid, the following
message displays:
is the number of elapsed seconds while non-volatile memory is erased.
14. While the application file is saved in flash memory, a progress bar shows the status:
15. The telephone checks for LLDP messages and re-checks VLAN status and tagging. If LLDP
causes a change in the values of L2Q or L2QVLAN, a reset occurs to obtain a new IP
16. If applicable, the telephone attempts to download a valid device certificate using simple
certificate enrollment protocol (SCEP).
Simple Certificate Enrollment Protocol (SCEP)
1. When SCEP is initiated the telephone attempts to contact an SCEP server via HTTP, using
the value of the configuration parameter MYCERTURL as the URI. The HTTP connection is
established to the transport address specified by the value of the configuration parameter
HTTPPROXY if HTTPPROXY is not null and if the configuration parameter
rightmost part of the domain portion of MYCERTURL does not match one of the values of
HTTPEXCEPTIONDOMAINS. The values of the configuration parameters
MYCERTKEYLEN, MYCERTCN, MYCERTDN are used in the certificate request.
2. While the telephone is attempting to contact the SCEP server and to obtain a certificate, the
Title Line displays:
is the number of seconds since SCEP was initiated/
3. If the initial attempt to contact the SCEP server is not successful the telephone continues
with start-up, and will not try to contact the SCEP server again unless it is reset or
File Obtained;please wait...
s secs
SCEP: In progress...
s secs