The power supplies in the 9012 chassis are divided in two shelves. The top shelf (shelf "A") consists
of power supplies 1, 2, and 3, while the bottom shelf (shelf "B") consists of power supplies 4, 5, and
If you use n + n redundancy and plug the power supplies from the top shelf in power feed "A", and
the power supplies from the bottom shelf in power feed "B", this gives you power feed redundancy.
Each shelf can provide 3600 W (at 100-120 VAC) or 6000 to 9825 W (at 200-240 VAC), depending
on the AC power supplies you install. Ensure that each power supply connects to a dedicated
Switch Fabric module
Each SF module connects to the ten different I/O module slots and the two CP module slots
simultaneously. You can install a maximum of six SF modules in each chassis in a 5 + 1
redundancy configuration.
The SF module slot numbers increment from right to left when you view the chassis from the rear.
The slot location determines the module function. Slots 1 and 4 provide the arbitration and
scheduling for traffic (and therefore, bandwidth management) from the I/O modules and provide
redundancy when both slots are populated. The other slots provide additional bandwidth.
Avaya recommends that you install SF modules in both SF1 and SF4 to provide redundancy.
You must have a functioning SF module in at least one of those slots for proper operation of the
I/O modules.
If you install a second generation module in Virtual Services Platform 9010 or Virtual Services
Platform 9012, you must have a minimum of five SF modules installed. Populate slots SF1 and SF4,
and use any other slots for the remaining three SF modules.
If you install a first generation module in Virtual Services Platform 9010 or Virtual Services Platform
9012, you must have a minimum of three SF modules installed. Populate slots SF1 and SF4, and
use any other slot for the remaining SF module.
Bandwidth is dependent on your hardware configuration.
The Virtual Services Platform 9012 chassis can use the 9090SF module.
Control Processor module
The 9080CP module performs the following tasks:
• runs all high level protocols, for example Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) and Open Shortest
Path First (OSPF)
• distributes the routing update
• manages and configures the I/O and SF modules
• maintains and monitors the health of the chassis
Virtual Services Platform 9012 chassis fundamentals
October 2015
Installing the Avaya VSP 9000