AVG 8.5 Anti-Virus Network Edition © 2009 Copyright AVG Technologies CZ, s.r.o. All rights reserved.
In the Setup parameters section you can choose from the following options:
Quit setup if AVG 8.5 is already installed - the remote administration will
not proceed when AVG 8.5 is already present on the target station.
Kill all running applications that prevent installation - the remote
installation will force closure of any application that could interfere with the
installation process. Usually this could be a running e-mail client or an
internet browser.
Hidden installation - no information will be displayed to the currently logged
user during the setup process. If you uncheck this checkbox, the installation will
become visible and user will need to manually confirm all steps.
Reboot the computer after finishing AVG 8.5 setup if needed - in
certain cases (Firewall component installation for example) a computer restart
may be required to complete the installation process.
Notification delay before restart on remote station - If the previous
checkbox is checked, you can also define a delay before the restart will take
place. Default value is ten minutes.