A V G I nternet Sec urity 2 0 1 1 © 2 0 1 0 C opyright A V G T ec hnologies C Z, s .r.o. A ll rights res erved.
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E-mail attachments reporting
In this section, you can set additional reports about potentially dangerous or
suspicious files. Please note that no warning dialog will be displayed, only a
certification text will be added to the end of the e-mail message, and all such reports
will be listed in the
E-mail Scanner detection
Report password protected archives
– archives (
ZIP, RAR etc.
) that are
protected by password are not possible to scan for viruses; check the box to
report these as potentially dangerous.
Report password protected documents
– documents protected by password
are not possible to scan for viruses; check the box to report these as
potentially dangerous.
Report files containing macros
– a macro is a predefined sequence of steps
aimed to make certain tasks easier for a user (
MS Word macros are widely
). As such, a macro can contain potentially dangerous instructions, and
you might like to check the box to ensure that files with macros will be
reported as suspicious.
Report hidden extensions
– hidden extension can make e.g. a suspicious
executable file "something.txt.exe" appear as harmless plain text file
"something.txt"; check the box to report these as potentially dangerous.
Move reported attachments to Virus Vault
- specify whether you wish to be
notified via e-mail about password protected archives, password protected
documents, macro containing files and/or files with hidden extension detected
as an attachment of the scanned e-mail message. If such a message is
identified during scanning, define whether the detected infectious object
should be moved to the
Virus Vault