5. Lift the drive enough to access the signal and power cables.
6. Unplug the power and signal cables from the drives.
Internal Drive Cables
7. Label the drive from the new enclosure as “New” so not to confuse them with the drive
from the old enclosure.
8. Remove the four screws holding the drive in the old enclosure.
9. Lift the drive out of the enclosure enough to access the signal and power cables.
10. Position the drive from the old enclosure near the location where the drive is to be
installed in the new enclosure.
The two drive cables are keyed to fit only in the correct position. If you find it difficult
to reconnect the cable, double-check to make sure you are not forcing the cable into the
the connector upside-down.
11. Connect the drive power cable to the power connector on the drive.
12. Connect the drive signal cable to the signal connector on the drive.
13. Position the drive cage over the screw hole in the new enclosure and so the that DVD
cable is over the system drive power and signal cables. Take care not to damage or pinch
any cables.
14. Replace the four drive screws removed earlier.
Power cable
Signal cable
DVD cable