Abnormal Procedures
Abnormal Procedures
The only failure modes that result in the loss of a DFC-series
autopilot are when the system AHRS is unavailable (Red-Xs over
the attitude display) or when the PFD has no power.
Each autopilot contains an internal data recorder for use during
service operations. The contents of the data logs remain the
property of Avidyne. If an anomalous behavior is observed with
the au
topilot, pressing the “GS” button on the autopilot control
panel multiple times will produce a series of events in the data log
that will aid the Avidyne Service Center in finding and analyzing
the data logs during troubleshooting operations.
Some failure modes identified in this section do not affect the
functioning of the AHRS and therefore allow continued use of the
In all cases, basic airmanship should be exercised and
fundamentals utilized such as maintain aircraft control, analyze
the situation, and take proper action.
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