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If you have ordered only a sectional beam, proceed to the section titled
“Warping the Sectional Beam”.
Various warping methods can be adapted to the AVL loom. However, we
recommend the following method in which the warp is first wound on to
the plain beam with the use of a raddle. Please study this method and try
it. We have found that it aids in getting a uniform warp tension, espe-
cially when dealing with long warps of twenty yards or more.
To begin, wind the warp on a warping board or reel. Make sure you put
in two crosses:
the threading cross
the raddle cross
In the threading cross, each thread crosses the next thread in opposite
directions. In the raddle cross, groups of threads cross each other. The
number of threads in a raddle group can be determined by the number of
ends to be placed in each section of the raddle or by the number of
threads you are holding in your hand while winding the warping board.