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Once your loom has been set up and warped, you should make the
following adjustments before you start weaving.
Warp Tension
(refer to Figures 4 and 5)
The warp tension is determined by the combination of how you advance
the warp with the cloth beam handle and when you let up on the brake
pedal. The only adjustment you need to make here is to be sure that the
brake adjustment cord is set tight enough so that the warp beam will
fully lock when the brake pedal is in its upper (not depressed) position. It
is good practice to tie a simple knot or bow tie around the plastic cord
clamp once you have set the tension. This way you will be certain that
the cord will not slip and your tension will remain constant.
: The brake adjustment cord should be loosened whenever you
wind the beam backwards, such as when you are winding a warp onto the