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Avocent, the Avocent logo, DSR, Cyclades, DSView, MergePoint, LANDesk and 
The Power of Being There are registered trademarks of Avocent Corporation or 
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Avocent Corporation. All rights reserved.



Secure remote access, 
comprehensive system inventory and 
increased productivity

With Avocent solutions in place, 
PSCU Financial Services has boosted 
productivity through remote access 
capabilities. One advantage is gaining 
the ability to stage equipment without 
physically accessing the data center. 
Now, engineers can rack mount servers 
in the data center and then work on 
them from their desks. In doing so, they 
are able to save time and get their server 
environment up and running as quickly 
as possible.

Having a comprehensive view of all 
their servers and connected devices 
has also delivered improved network 
management. Through the DSView 3 
software, servers and devices can be 
easily categorized based on location, 
operating system, department, 
application, or other custom categories. 

Another advantage is the ability to 
maintain accurate user permission 

rights and detailed data and event logs 
across multiple sites and appliances. 
All access to the appliances is 
logged for compliance, auditing and 
troubleshooting, including who accessed 
what and when. DSView 3 software 
also provides real-time email and pager 
event notifi cation with SNMP traps to 
help IT administrators address potential 
bottlenecks before they can affect server 
throughput and availability.

“We know we have huge advantages 
with the Avocent products,” said Perini. 
“We have found that the organization, 
ease of use and security have been 
excellent. Combined with the DSView 
3 software, the Avocent solution gives 
us per rack information allowing us to 
streamline response, reduce our mean 
time to repair, and meet both internal 
and external audit requirements.”


Supporting future growth

Expected to continue on an accelerated 
growth track, PSCU Financial Services 
appreciates the improved categorization 

offered through the system and 
recognizes that capability as key to 
managing their expanding network. 
Reggi notes that the Virtual Media 
functionality of the 4030 switches will 
“open a whole new world of actually 
being in front of the computer without 
being physically connected” and 
anticipates using that functionality to 
perform remote tasks such as patching 
and distributing fi les in the near future. 

About Avocent

Avocent delivers IT operations and 
infrastructure management solutions 
for enterprises worldwide, helping 
customers to reduce costs and simplify 
complex IT environments via integrated, 
centralized in-band and out-of-band 
hardware and software. Through 
LANDesk®, Avocent also is a leading 
provider of systems, security, and 
process management solutions. Find 
more information at

ACS console servers provide secure, in-band and out-of-
band access to IT assets, and console port management 
for serial-based servers and network appliances.
