UMAX141100 Version 1.0.6.
Preliminary Documentation – May be subject to change
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Figure 1 – AX141100 Block Diagram
The CAN to Bluetooth device (later CAN2BT) can be used for accessing the CAN bus and the other
CAN nodes connected to it using Bluetooth communications and a smart device, such as a phone
or a tablet.
The CAN2BT device provides also data logging capabilities. It has 4GBits of internal Flash storage
for storing the selected CAN messages with time stamp information.
The CAN2BT device can be configured using an Android application called
CAN2BT Configuration
With this tool, all the functionality of the CAN2BT device can be configured, such as setting PIN
codes, connection options, CAN receive filtering and CAN data logging rules. Also RTC time setting
and different Flash memory operations such as download data and data erase are supported.