AX-7540 - Infrared thermometer Instruction manual
1. Introduction
This infrared thermometer is used for measuring the temperature of the object’s surface, which is applica-
ble for various hot, hazardous or hard-to-reach objects without contact safely and quickly.
This unit consist of Optics, Photo sensor, Signal amplifier, Processing circuit and LCD Display. The Optics
collected the infrared energy emitted by object and focus onto the Sensor. Then the sensor translates the
energy into an electricity signal. This signal will be turned out to be digital shown on the LCD after the
signal amplifier and processing circuit.
2. Accessories
Open the bag, then take the item out, and check below accessories:
1. Operation manual - 1pc
If you found that there’s anything missing or damage please contact your supplier.
3. Warning & Cautions
3.1. Warning:
To avoid the potential situation which may cause harm or damage to people, please pay attention to the
following instructions:
1) Do not point laser directly at eye or indirectly off reflective surfaces.
2) The unit cannot measure through transparent surfaces such as glass or plastic. It will measure the
surface temperature of these materials instead.
3) Steam, dust, smoke, or other particles can prevent accurate measurement by obstructing by the units
3.2. Cautions:
Infrared thermometer should be protected for the following:
1) EMF (electro-magnetic fields) from arc welders, induction heaters.
2) Thermal shock (cause by large or abrupt ambient temperature changes allow 30 minutes for unit to