key printouts estimated values and histogram :
Nominal - nominal value,
Tolerance -
accepted value in percentage.
N - number of sample
IN TOL. – number of samples in toleranc
-TOL – amount of measurements
under allowable lower value
+TOL – amount of measurements above
allowable upper value
TOTAL - sum of weights of all n samples
AVERAGE – average weight as (Total)/n
MIN – minimum weight in n samples
MAX– maximum weight in n samples
ST. DEV. – standard deviation
ST. DEV.% – standard deviation percentage
To finish work with this function and
zeroing result register press MENU
key and then when StAt. and Sta oFF is
displayed press
Statistics function cooperation with computer and
Printer. Scale can be equipped with two serial ports
marked as RS232C-I (computer) and RS232C-II
(printer). After each data printout by printer identical
set of data is sent to computer. After sending by
computer initialization signal S A CR LF
(53h 49h 0Dh 0Ah) the scale sends to computer
statistic data enclosed in histogram