Section 3: Network Configuration
AXIS 850/950 User’s Manual
2. Update your host table and alias name data bases as described
3. Start the bootp daemon (if not already running), typically by
the command:
bootpd -a
4. Restart the Axis CD-ROM Server to download the Internet
address, default router address, and net mask.
The ht and vm fields must be entered exactly as in the example.
For Ethernet ht=ether and for Token Ring ht=tr.
The ha and ip fields are the Ethernet or node address and Internet
address respectively. DO NOT use the addresses from the
example. Use the Ethernet or node address equal to the serial
number of your Axis CD-ROM Server and the Internet address
previously assigned to it.
The sm and gw fields correspond to the net mask and default
router address parameters. See “CD-ROM Server Set-up” on
page 51.