Section 3: Microsoft & IBM Networks (SMB)
AXIS StorPoint CD E100 User’s Manual
Section 3 Microsoft & IBM Networks (SMB)
This section outlines the required configuration settings for running the
StorPoint CD in the Microsoft and IBM (SMB) network environment, i.e.
Windows 95/98, Windows NT, Windows for Workgroups or OS/2. It also
describes how to set up access restrictions.
If you are using the StorPoint CD in a multiprotocol environment, proceed to
the other relevant sections of the manual, namely:
“Section 4 -
NetWare (NCP)
“Section 5 -
“Section 6 -
Macintosh (AFP)
“Section 7 -
FTP (File Transfer Protocol)
“Section 8 -
Web Browser (HTTP)
Network Settings
You do not have to specify any specific settings before you can use the StorPoint
CD in the Windows (SMB) environment. However, we recommend that you
change some of the default settings, e.g. the SMB server name. You can use the
Administration Web pages to configure the StorPoint CD.
SMB Server Name
The default SMB server name is AXIS<nnnnnn>, where <nnnnnn> are the last
six digits of the StorPoint CD serial number. This is the name that will be
presented to the Windows clients on the network. You can change that name by
editing the SMB Server Name parameter.
Choose a more descriptive name for your server, e.g. CD Server.
SMB Protocols
SMB is a protocol that make use of NetBIOS. NetBIOS can be used over several
different network protocols. The StorPoint CD supports the following transport
SMB over NetBIOS/TCP/IP (NBT) - max 1000 users
SMB over NetBIOS/NetBEUI - max 300 users
Both protocols are enabled by default. However, you can disable the protocols
by setting the appropriate configuration parameters.
Access Control
Access control is used for restricting access to the shared discs in the StorPoint
CD. In the Windows (SMB) environment you can select whether you want to
use user-level or share-level access control.