StorPoint NAS
100 User’s Manual
Section 4: NetWare (NCP)
Access Control
The way you manage security in NetWare depends on the mode you are
Bindery mode without user authentication
Bindery mode with user authentication
NDS mode
The StorPoint NAS acts as a normal NetWare file server, which means
that you use standard procedures such as NWAdmin, SYSCON and
Filer for handling security in NetWare.
You cannot set up access restrictions for the NetWare environment
via the StorPoint NAS Web interface.
Access Restrictions in
NetWare NDS
In NetWare, access rights for users in bindery mode is separate from
users accessing the StorPoint NAS in NDS mode. For this reason, we
recommend that you disable bindery mode after you have successfully
installed the StorPoint NAS in NDS and thus allow users to log on in
NDS mode only.
If NDS mode is not functioning, you can always access the
StorPoint NAS in bindery mode by logging in as Supervisor. This is
true even if you have disabled bindery mode.
Default Access Rights
The default access rights protect all the system files, which means that
only users with Supervisor privileges on the StorPoint NAS have access
to those files. However, all users logged into NDS can access the discs.
These access rights are set up by the following trustee assignments:
The Supervisor right from the NDS tree is inherited to all the
volumes on the StorPoint NAS. All users who have Supervisor
privileges in the context in which the StorPoint NAS was installed
will also have Supervisor privileges on the StorPoint NAS.
The root of the SYS volume has [Public] as trustee, with File Scan,
Read, Write, Create, Modify and Erase rights.
The System folder has all rights, except Supervisor, filtered. Thus all
system files are effectively protected from normal users.