StorPoint NAS
100 User’s Manual
Appendix B: Troubleshooting
Errors when Accessing the StorPoint NAS or an Inserted
Attached Hard Disk
If you get error messages when trying to access the StorPoint NAS or an
inserted disc:
LED Indicators
Consult the error table in section “
” on page 87 to see if
the front panel indicators can help you identify the problem.
SCSI Chain
Check the SCSI chain and ensure that all the drives are switched on and
that only the last unit is terminated. Consult the drive documentation
for settings.
IP Address
If using TCP/IP, make sure that you have assigned a unique and valid
IP address to the StorPoint NAS. If you have changed the IP address, try
restarting the StorPoint NAS
We also recommend that you try and
ping your StorPoint NAS. For more information on how to do this see,
Methods for Setting the IP Address
SMB Protocol
In the Microsoft & IBM networking environments, verify that the SMB
protocol is enabled.
WINS Database
If using WINS, check that the StorPoint NAS
is registered in the WINS
database. If it is, there is probably a problem with the name resolution
on your network.