Appendix B: Troubleshooting
StorPoint NAS 100 User’s Manual
Difficulties Locating the StorPoint NAS in NetWare
There are basically two different frame types on Ethernet networks,
Ethernet II or IEEE 802.3. The IEEE 802.3 frame can be encapsulated
in an IEEE 802.2 LLC frame or a SNAP frame. All four frame types are
enabled by default with the value
, which means that your
StorPoint NAS automatically adapts to the frame type used on the
network. This will meet most requirements. Frame types that are not in
use in your network will not be used by the StorPoint NAS.
However, depending on your network, you may want the StorPoint
NAS not to operate on some frame types. If your network has multiple
sections with different frame types on some of the sections, then the
StorPoint NAS might log on to the wrong network section and adapt to
a frame type incompatible with the intended network section. For this
reason, you have the option to disable those frame types by changing the
parameter from
Alternatively, it is possible to use the eight digit network number
appropriate to your segment of the network, in the form xx-xx-xx-xx
(e.g. 00-3F-B5-01). In all normal cases this will not be necessary since
autodetection will handle most cases. However, this must be done by
directly editing the
file located in the
folder using a text editor. Although you
cannot enter the network number from a Web browser, you can display
the frame type and change the value to
, if required.