6. This section of the MultiClamp 700B Commander displays three other
adjustable parameters: Output Gain, AC and Scope.
Use the glider to adjust Output Gain. Note the changes in the scaling factor
at Primary Output: Membrane Current, as well as the change in signal
amplitude on the oscilloscope. Unlike changing the feedback resistor
range, altering the Output Gain has no effect on the relative amplitude of
the (current) noise.
AC: allows you to send the Primary Output through a high-pass filter. This
may be desirable if you wish to remove a DC offset or low-frequency
component in the signal output.
Scope is used to filter the signal provided by the SCOPE BNC on the front
panel of the MultiClamp 700B. In the default configuration, this BNC
simply duplicates the signal available at the Primary Output BNC.
However, in some circumstances you may wish to filter the SCOPE signal
(normally viewed on an oscilloscope) more heavily than the PRIMARY
Output signal being sent to a computer. The Scope parameter in the
MultiClamp 700B Commander allows you to do this.
Chapter 3