Protocol - Modular AC-DSP
V1_version Feb-2011
Validator AC-DSP in Parallel mode
The operation of the validator in parallel mode is characterized by giving a pulse (signal), on
one or several pins on the connector, when you enter a valid coin.
The coin value assigned to each pin (or output) will depend on the particular configuration of
each validator and will be a modifiable setting using Azkoyen tools.
These validators have 7 output lines (see the table), which can be:
They use a line for each coin, which means that you will only be able to
use 6 different coins.
They use multiple output lines to identify a coin which means that the
maximum number of currencies to be used will be 32.
Connector J1 on the Output module
Pin 1
Pin 2
12-24 Vdc
Minimum: + 10 Vdc; Maximum: +27
Pin 3
Output 5
Open collector, transistor NPN.
Pin 4
Output 6
Open collector, transistor NPN
Pin 5
Output 7
Open collector, transistor NPN.
Pin 6
Pin 7
Output 1
Open collector, transistor NPN
Pin 8
Output 2
Open collector, transistor NPN
Pin 9
Output 3
Open collector, transistor NPN
Pin 10
Output 4
Open collector, transistor NPN
Table 3. Pinout in parallel mode
Input pin 6 works as inhibition in the acceptance of coins (the range of inhibition is
configurable). It works in a general way, i.e. it jointly enables or inhibits all coins programmed.
In this type of operation, you work directly, without any communication with the machine, i.e.
when the validator validates a coin, it consults the inhibition input values and depending on its
value, it accepts (or rejects) the coin and gives a pulse for a duration determined by the
assigned output/s.