B.O.L.T User Manual
© Copyright 2019, All Rights Reserved. AmZetta Technologies Private Ltd.
NIBP Monitor (Systole, Diastole and Pulse Rate), Infrared Thermometer
(Temperature), Pulse Oximeter (SpO2 & Pulse Rate)
Intended Use
Product Name: B.O.L.T BT4
Device Model: VA01, VA01-0, VA01-1, VA01-2
B.O.L.T model (VA01) Base unit with it`s accessory devices attachment (VA01-0, VA01-1 and
VA01-2) and the B.O.L.T application is a patient vitals measuring and monitoring system used
for spot-checking and measuring the physiological parameters of adult patients / users (18
years of age or older). The physiological parameters measured and monitored are:
Non-Invasive Blood Pressure (NIBP), Pulse Rate (PR)
Oxygen saturation (SpO2), Pulse Rate (PR)
Body Temperature (TEMP)
B.O.L.T application is downloaded and installed in a Bluetooth enabled smart devices/
computer. The operations of the base unit and the attached devices like start and stop are
controlled by the B.O.L.T application and the results are displayed by the B.O.L.T application
on the screen of the smart devices/ computer.
This device is applicable for use by an adult and it can be used in a clinical setting like a
physician office and also in a home environment for patients to keep track of the
physiological parameters mentioned above. Home users are advised to contact their
physician if any abnormal values are indicated.
B.O.L.T, NIBP model Base unit (VA01) along with an inflatable cuff (VA01-0) that is wrapped
around the upper arm, is a fully automatic, non-invasive, wireless blood pressure
measurement system intended to measure the diastolic and systolic blood pressures and
pulse rate of an adult individual.
B.O.L.T, IRT model Base unit (VA01) along with a thermometer probe (VA01-1) using infrared
sensor detects body temperature from the ear canal in the adult population.
B.O.L.T, Pulse Oximeter model Base unit (VA01) along with a pulse oximeter probe (VA01-2) is
a non-invasive device intended for spot checking of functional oxygen saturation of arterial
hemoglobin (SpO2) and pulse rate (PR) from the fingertip of adult users.