Manual: MaxBright
II Binoviewer
Assembly with 2" Newtonian 1 .7x Glasspath Corrector
As described before, you need to replace the
T-2 counter nut with the Zeiss microbayonet.
The 1.7x glasspath corrector is then attached to
the binoviewer instead of the TQC quickchang-
er. The TQC is not necessary for this setup.
The 2" Newtonian glasspath corrector
# 2456300
provides you a focus gain of approx.
80 mm. It is the only chance for many Newto-
nian telescopes to reach focus without moving
the main mirror.
Assembly with the 2" Glasspath Corrector 1 .8x for Refractors and SC's
As described before, attach the Zeiss microbayonet to the MaxBright II instead of
the T-2 counter nut. Attach the Glasspath Corrector to one side of the T-2 Maxbright
# 2456100
and the TQC QuickChanger to the other side. For the GC to work
correctly, the distances have to match exactly, which is why you must use the T-2
Maxbright Mirror and no other star diagonal.
Then put the 2" 1.8x Glasspath Corrector
# 2456305
the attached star diagonal into the 2" eyepiece holder of
your telescope and secure it. Then you can attach
the binoviewer at the TQC QuickChanger and
insert the eyepieces.
This GC is inserted deeply into
the telescope, therefore it can only be used with
Schmidt-Cassegrains with a sufficiently large baffle, or at
telescopes without correctors close to the visual back. It can
not be used with Petzval, EdgeHD or some Maksutov-telescopes
with corrector lenses close to the eyepiece holder.
Assembly with 2" Star Diagonals
With Glasspath Correctors 1,25x
# 2456314 (Z),
# 2456316 (Z)
or 2,6x
# 2456317
To use a 2" star diagonal, you first have to remove the 2" eyepiece clamp as described
on page 7, then screw the SC/T-2-adapter
into the housing.
Next place the plastic spacer ring above the thread of the glasspath corrector. Now
insert the glasspath corrector into the T-2/SC-adapter. It is held safely in place as soon
as you attach the quickchanger or the binoviewer.
The two glasspath correctors 1,25x
# 2456314Z
and 1,7x
# 2456316Z
Zeiss micobayonet are mounted in the ring dovetail as described before.
The 2" ClickLock
-clamps of our 2" star diagonals and the Herschel Wedge (see
below) can be removed. For this, you need to remove the small screws, as shown here
for the BBHS
mirror diagonal
# 2456115
, or in the case of the Herschel, you need to
2" 1.7x GC
# 2456300
II Binoviewer
2" 1.8x GC
# 2456305
at the