Cluster LED Pin Light
Installation and/or
The Cluster LED
Photo 7
) pin lights
are located on the
underside of the
front handles. While
LED lights have
a very long life
expectancy, oc-
casionally you may
need to replace one
or you may choose to add more Cluster LED pin
lights for additional lighting (available from your
Baby Lock retailer). You may add up to 10 addi-
tional LED Clusters on the front handles if desired.
Shut off the power to the machine.
Grasp the Cluster LED pin light by the base of
the cluster with your fingertips.
Do not grasp the LEDs themselves, as
they may break.
Pull straight downward without twisting (slight
rocking back and forth may be required).
If you are unable to remove the lights with your
fingers, you may use an extraction tool or a pair of
needle-nose pliers to carefully grasp the base of the
light cluster and pull downward.
Shut off the power to the machine.
Insert the new Cluster LED pin light, matching
the three pins with the three holes in the receptacle
(orientation is not critical).
Press firmly until the LED pin light is fully
inserted (the base will be against the metal closing
plate of the handle).
Installing Rear Handles
Check that the Baby Lock Jewel is unplugged from
the electrical outlet. All power to the machine must be turned
off when installing the back handles. Failure to do so can result
in damage to the machine.
Care must be taken to not pinch the ribbon
cable under the handle when it is tightened to the machine.
The rear handle comes mounted by three screws into an “L” bracket.
Line up the two holes in the “L” bracket with those on the rear of the
machine. Slide the short bolts into holes until they stop. Hand tighten,
and then use the Hex wrench to securely fasten the handle to the back
of the machine.
Once the two bolts are in place, plug the ribbon connector into
the serial port underneath the rear handle (
Rear Diagram C, #32 on
page 6
). Ensure the pins are lined up so they are not damaged when
the plug is pushed in. Push the plug securely in place.
After the handles have been completely installed and
plugged in, test them by turning the Baby Lock Jewel on/off
switch to “on”. The handles will run a self-test by briefly displaying
their version during boot up, and then the LED lights on the
front handles will illuminate. After the boot up is completed, both
LCD displays (front handle and rear handle) will display the same
menu. If nothing is displayed or if the lights don’t illuminate,
check that the handle cable on the side of the machine is plugged
in securely, that your machine is turned on, and that the power
cord is plugged into the machine as well as a power source.
Photo 7
Photo 6 (View of Back Handles)